EP goes live with the ASPOS Unified Commerce Platform from Valk Solutions

EP:Tummers  modernizes with innovative solutions from Valk Solutions

July 4, 2024 EP: Tummers, a prominent player in the electronics retail market, has successfully gone live with ASPOS, the innovative Unified Commerce Platform from Valk Solutions. With nine stores, its own webshop, a B2B branch, and a headquarters with a distribution center (DC), all aspects of the business are now integrated into one modern platform in the Cloud.

Thanks to the implementation of ASPOS, including a service and repair module specifically developed for the electronics market, the service technicians at EP:Tummers now have the ability to work paperless using a mobile device for deliveries and payments. ASPOS drastically simplifies the IT landscape of EP:Tummers by completely eliminating middleware.

Chiel van Rijn, director of EP:Tummers, says about the new collaboration: “With ASPOS from Valk Solutions, we have taken a big step towards the future. Our customers benefit from a uniform and seamless shopping experience, both online, on-site, and in our physical stores. Additionally, our technicians now have everything they need at their fingertips, which makes their work significantly more efficient.”

“We are very proud of the successful launch of our platform at EP:Tummers ,” says Wouter Overbeeke, Manager Sales at Valk Solutions. “By eliminating complex IT structures and providing a fully integrated solution, we enable EP:Tummers to serve their customers even better and be ready for future challenges.”

The new EP:Tummers webshop is fully linked to ASPOS, allowing customers to enjoy a unique and consistent shopping experience, whether they shop online or in one of the stores. This transition to a uniform and paperless platform marks an important milestone in the digital transformation of EP:Tummers.

About EP:Tummers: EP:Tummers is a leading electronics and home appliances retailer with nine stores in the south of the Netherlands. The company is known for its extensive range, expert advice, and excellent service.

About Valk Solutions: Valk Solutions serves retail chains in various sectors, processes more than 4 billion in annual sales revenue, and offers a unique modular unified commerce approach. In addition to Point of Sale, Loyalty, and Webshops, our offerings include Order Management, Marketplaces, and Business Intelligence.

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